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Mobile App FAQs

We've gathered the most common questions asked about the Videeo Mobile Shopping App. Don't see your question here? Reach out to our team at

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Cost FAQs

  • Does having a mobile app cost extra?
    • No–your mobile app is included in your Videeo plan.
  • Can I send push notifications on my mobile app?
    • Yes! You’ll be able to send free push notifications to those shoppers with push notifications enabled. This includes live sale notifications, product links, and promotions.

Mobile App Experience FAQs

  • How do Live Replays work?
    • Customers can watch and shop a live replay just as they would a live sale. Product inventory will reflect what is available at the time the customer is viewing the replay.
  • Is the mobile app experience different between iPhones and Android?
    • Apps will function the same on both iPhone and Android devices! There will be slight differences in appearance based on the preferences of the devices.
  • Can I add my homepage or other non-collection pages to my app?
    • At this time, only collection pages appear on the mobile app. However, we are working on the ability for you to add additional content, like your homepage, to your mobile app.
  • Can I make it so that if someone clicks on a variant, like color, that the product picture changes to reflect that color?
    • We are working on this functionality and hope to have it available soon!

Checkout FAQs

  • What is the checkout process like on the mobile app?
    • Shoppers will enter their payment details and shipping information. Once their order is placed, they will see an identical order confirmation page as the one displayed when an order is placed through your Shopify website.
  • Does the mobile app and my website share the same cart?
    • No, these shopping carts are separate even if a shopper is logged into their Shopify account.
  • Can guests check out on my mobile app?
    • At this time, the mobile app does not support guest checkout. However, this is functionality that we are working on and hope to have available soon.
  • Will my checkout extensions show for mobile shoppers?
    • Yes, Videeo mobile apps support checkout UI extensions. checkout.liquid extensions are not supported.

Customization FAQs

  • Will my custom filters appear on my mobile app?
    • If you’ve used a Shopify app to add custom filters to your website, then those filters will also appear in your Videeo mobile app.
  • Can I customize what products show in the Recommended section on My Feed?
    • Yes! You can choose a collection to feature in the Recommended section on your Mobile App settings page.
  • Can I customize the color of the “We’re Live” banner that displays when we’re live?
    • Yes! You can choose the color of this banner on your Mobile App settings page.
  • Can I set my own app icon?
    • Yes, your Videeo shopping app supports all icons in .JPG and .PNG formats that are less than 1000px x 1000px. You’ll upload your preferred icon image as part of the app creation process.

Collection FAQs

  • How can I make collections appear at the top of the app?
    • Any collection published to the Main Menu of your website navigation will appear at the top of your mobile app.

Tracking FAQs

  • Can customers see shipment tracking information on mobile apps?
    • Once an order is marked as shipped in Shopify, customers can click a link that will take them to the tracking page.
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